How to Use Blender without a Middle Mouse Button or a Scroll Wheel

 It’s possible to use Blender without a middle mouse button or a scroll wheel. On a typical mouse, the scroll wheel also functions as the middle mouse button. So if you don’t have a middle mouse button, then there’s a good chance that you don’t have a scroll wheel either. The good news is that you can use Blender without a middle mouse button or a scroll wheel. Both of these issues are addressed separately below.


How to use Blender without a Middle Mouse Button

Blender has a 3 Button Mouse Emulation setting. By enabling it, a 1 or 2 button mouse can take the place of a 3 button mouse. To enable Blender’s 3 Button Mouse Emulation, follow these instructions.

  1. From the File menu, select User Preferences.
  2. Click the Input tab.
  3. Put a check mark next to Emulate 3 Button Mouse.
  4. Click Save User Settings to save the settings for the next time Blender opens.
Steps to Enable 3 Button Mouse Emulation
Steps to Enable 3 Button Mouse Emulation


After enabling 3 button mouse emulation, the mouse buttons work as follows:

If you’re using a PC with a 2 Button Mouse

Alt + Left Mouse = Middle Mouse button

Example Usage

  • To rotate the view, press Alt + Left Mouse button and drag.
  • To pan the view, press Shift + Alt + Left Mouse button and drag.

If you’re using an Apple with a single button mouse

Option + Mouse button  = Middle Mouse button

Command(Apple) + Mouse button = Right Mouse button

Example Usage

  • To rotate the view, press Option + Mouse button and drag.
  • To pan the view, press Shift + Option + Mouse button and drag.
  • To select an object, press Command(Apple) + Mouse button.


How to use Blender without a Scroll Wheel

Blender has alternate methods that can be used instead of using a scroll wheel. Here’s how to do some common Blender tasks.

Zooming Without a Scroll Wheel

Any of the following methods can be used for zooming instead of using the Scroll Wheel.

  • Hold down the Ctrl key and the Middle Mouse button while dragging.
  • Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the = or  key.
  • Use Numpad + and Numpad – keys. If you don’t have a number pad then you can read 2 Ways to Use Blender without a Number Pad.

Loop Cuts Without a Scroll Wheel

After pressing Ctrl R to initiate the Loop Cut, you can do any of the following to specify the number of cuts.

Proportional Editing Without a Scroll Wheel

When using Proportional Editing, you can control the size of the control area (white circle influence area) by using the Page Up and Page Down keys.


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