
Showing posts with the label Coding Editors

Set up Visual Studio Code

  In this video, we walk you through setting up Visual Studio Code and give an overview of the basic features. Next video:  Extensions for Visual Studio Code Outline Download and install VS Code. Create a new file. See an overview of the user interface. Install support for your favorite programming language. Change your keyboard shortcuts and easily migrate from other editors using keymap extensions. Customize your editor with themes. Explore VS Code features in the  Interactive Editor Playground . Next video Extensions for Visual Studio Code  - Add features to VS Code through extensions. Learn more User Interface  - View the documentation for VS Code. Setup overview  - Documentation for getting up and running with VS Code, including platform-specific setup.

How to Use CodePen – A Beginner's Guide

  CodePen  is a popular online code editor used by many developers around the world. It is also one of the recommended editors you can use for the  freeCodeCamp curriculum. CodePen is only for frontend projects and supports HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you need to build a project with a backend component, then you will need to use a different editor. In this article, I will discuss the following: How to sign up for a free account Differences between Pens and Projects Basic Features of the Pen Editor How to fork a Pen How to add preprocessors and packages to a Pen Basic Features of the Project Editor What do you get with the paid subscriptions? What are CodePen challenges? How to sign up for a free account When you visit the  CodePen  website, you will be able to login with the following options: Twitter account Facebook account GitHub account You can also signup with an email address where you will create a username and password. Once you create the account, you should receive an emai